Flavor Profile
Attributes (1-7)
Flavors (1-4)
The Ethiopian Organic Zelelu Ararso G1 Yirgacheffe comes from a single producer, Mr. Zelelu Ararso. It's processed separately at the Addis Katema Cooperative, where Ararso is a member. The cooperative is situated in Wenago, a district within the Gedeo Zone of Ethiopia's Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region
Ararso participates in a unique initiative started in 2012 by the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) and Royal Coffee. This program began with a small group of exemplary producers from YCFCU-affiliated cooperatives. These farmers agreed to follow strict processing standards, host regular external evaluations, and meet higher quality benchmarks. In return, they receive premium prices for their individual coffee lots.
The success of this single-producer project has led to its expansion. It now provides a platform for an increasing number of small-scale, skilled farmers within the cooperative system to showcase their exceptional coffees. This growth has allowed more producers to benefit from the program's quality-focused approach and financial incentives
Cupping Notes: Floral and fruit notes of pear and citrus, and sweet honey.
Try before you stock up with a 1/2 pound sample!